Funnily, I found The Messy Club (another creative) after a while of look-see pop-up markets, and this is the first pop-up market I joined at Rumah Tangsi. It was held on 3-4 September 2022. I was nervous, and definitely unprepared. Not sure where is the location (first timer lol) and we even scout the location and booth area the night before, just so we don’t get lost the next morning.
I managed to take some really nice photos of my products, thanks to the organiser’s colourful decorations around the building.
A super nice place, but a bit hot and dark at the upper areas. Thankfully the people were super nice and I had fun. I also shared the booth with my brother in law, who makes handmade leather goods. We shared a small table, not able to fit all our products but just nice to introduce our brand.

It was a good experience, and this prepared us for the next upcoming pop up markets in which we would want to join.
I got a feeling of excitement, satisfaction and definitely feeling good when customers came to take photos, buy my products and even compliment my talent in drawing (thank you all so much, I don’t think I think highly of myself in this…) and it gave me even more motivation and determination to pursue this path that I’ve been thinking for quite a long while now.

Thank you to all those that supported me eventho I’m a newbie at this.
Thank you to my in-laws and of course, my dear husband who accompanied me all the way and even helped me take care of the booth when I went elsewhere. Thank you. Very. Much!